How to get and save user location upon login in Laravel
This code snippet will get and save user location (city, country, longitude, latitude and IP) during login process in Laravel.
Install Location package
composer require stevebauman/location
Publish config file
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="StevebaumanLocationLocationServiceProvider"
Create a migration and Add additional fields in Users Table
php artisan make:migration add_locationinfo_to_users_table --table=users
Run the migration
Run the migration
Open and Set location config file for localhost testing in config/location.php
'testing' => [
'enabled' => env('LOCATION_TESTING', true),
'ip' => '',
Edit function index in HomeController
public function index(Request $request)
$curuser = Auth()->user()->id;
$currentUserInfo = Location::get();
$updLocation = User::where('id','=',$curuser)->first();
$updLocation->userIP = $currentUserInfo->ip;
$updLocation->userCity = $currentUserInfo->cityName;
$updLocation->userCountry = $currentUserInfo->countryName;
$updLocation->userLongitude = $currentUserInfo->longitude;
$updLocation->userLatitude = $currentUserInfo->latitude;
return view('home');